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Image of Balara
Title <Daughter of the Khan>
Gender Female
Race Centaur (Humanoid)
Level 10-70 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Clan Nokhud
Location Nokhudon Hold, Nokhud Offensive
Status Killable
Relative(s) Balakar (father), Batak (brother), Jhakan (grandfather), Nazuun (grandmother)

Balara is a centaur mini-boss guarding the way to Balakar Khan in Nokhudon Hold in the Nokhud Offensive. She is accompanied by her brother Batak.


If Batak dies first:

  • Ability garrosh hellscreams warsong.png Raging Kin — Enraged by the death of their sibling, the caster inflicts 45% increased Physical damage and has their attack and casting speeds increased by 75% for until canceled.

Patch changes

External links