Avatar of Destruction (Dragonflight)

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For the retail talent, see [Avatar of Destruction].
Avatar of Destruction
Inv infernalmountblue.png
  • Avatar of Destruction
  • Row 10 Destruction warlock talent
  • Passive
  • When Chaos Bolt or Rain of Fire consumes a charge of Ritual of Ruin, you summon a Blasphemy for 8 sec.

    Inv infernalmountblue.pngBlasphemy
    Summons a Blasphemy from the Twisting Nether, impacting for (60% of Spell power) Fire damage and stunning all enemies in the area for 2 sec.

    The Blasphemy will serve you for 8 sec, dealing (49.7% of Spell power) damage to all nearby enemies every 2 sec and generating 1 Soul Shard Fragment every 0.5 sec.
Class Warlock
Talent required [Master Ritualist] or [Burn to Ashes]
Other information
Affects [Ritual of Ruin]
A Blasphemy

Avatar of Destruction is a Destruction warlock talent.

Like the Infernal, the Blasphemy attacks with [Immolation].


  • This talent recreates the 4-piece set bonus from the Shroud of the Demon Star.
  • Prior to patch 10.1.5, the Blasphemy used a purple infernal model. It was changed when that appearance was given to the Infernal minion as a customization option.

Patch changes

External links