Artie Grizzlehand

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AllianceArtie Grizzlehand
Image of Artie Grizzlehand
Title <Stable Master>
Gender Male
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Valiance Expedition
Location Fort Wildervar, Howling Fjord[60.6, 16.1]
Status Alive

Artie Grizzlehand is a dwarf stable master found in Fort Wildervar in Howling Fjord.


Item Cost
 [Rope Pet Leash] 75s



Greetings, <class>. I can assist you in recovering lost companions.

Buy I'm looking for a lost companion.
Gossip I'd like to heal and revive my battle pets.

Patch changes

External links