Arena Spectator

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For the alternate Nagrand NPC, see Arena Spectator (Nagrand). For the Frostfire Ridge NPC, see Arena Spectator (Frostfire Ridge). For the Maldraxxus NPCs, see Arena Spectator (Maldraxxus). For the Mugambala NPCs, see Arena Spectator (Mugambala).
MobArena Spectator
Image of Arena Spectator
Gender Both
Race(s) Human, Dark Iron dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 51 - 52 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Blackrock Depths

Arena Spectators are humans and Dark Iron dwarves found above the arena watching justice being dispensed.


  • Ability warrior battleshout.png Battle Shout — Increases the melee attack power of nearby party members for 2 min.
  • Spell shadow curseoftounges.png Curse of Tongues — Forces an enemy to speak in Demonic, reducing its casting speed by 50% for 15 sec.
  • Ability warrior warcry.png Demoralizing Shout — Reduces the melee attack power of nearby enemies for 20 sec.
  • Ability warrior disarm.png Disarm — Disarms an enemy, forcing it to stop wielding its weapon for 5 sec.
  • Spell fire firebolt02.png Fireball — Inflicts Fire damage to an enemy.
  • Spell holy heal.png Heal — Calls upon Holy magic to heal an ally.
  • Spell shadow shadowbolt.png Shadow Bolt — Hurls a bolt of dark magic at an enemy, inflicting Shadow damage.
  • Ability marksmanship.png Shoot — Shoots at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage.
  • Ability rogue ambush.png Strike — Strikes at an enemy, inflicting increased melee damage.

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