Anthea Ironpaw

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NeutralAnthea Ironpaw
Image of Anthea Ironpaw
Title <Master of the Wok>
Gender Female
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 15-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Halfhill Market, Valley of the Four Winds[52.7, 52.1]
Status Alive

Anthea Ironpaw is a pandaren master of the [Way of the Wok], a style of Pandaren cooking. She can be found at the Halfhill Market in Valley of the Four Winds.


Learn Yellow Green Grey Recipe
525 550 552 555  [Sauteed Carrots]
550(2) 575 577 580  [Valley Stir Fry]
575(5) 600  [Banquet of the Wok]
575(8) 600  [Great Banquet of the Wok]
600  [Sea Mist Rice Noodles]




Hello, friend. Hungry?

Trainer I seek training in the Way of the Wok.

Patch changes

External links