A Proper Parting

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HordeA Proper Parting

Location of the attack
Start Outrider Urukag
End Outrider Urukag
Level 10-40
Category Frostfire Ridge
Experience 13970
Reputation +250 Frostwolf Orcs
Rewards 12g 20s


Burn the corpses of dead Frostwolf Outriders.


The ogres outnumbered us, *cough* but we made them pay for their deeds in blood.

Even so, I was forced to abandon my fallen brothers and sisters on the battlefield. They deserve better than to have their corpses despoiled by the ogre filth.

Here, take this torch *cough* and do what I could not: burn the corpses of my fallen brothers and sisters to the west.


You will receive:


Did you give the others a proper burial?


You bring honor to the clan by giving my family a proper burial, <name>.


Pick up H [10-40] Gut Guttra before heading out.

The ambush took place to the west near a camp full of live and dead ogres on the Icewind Drifts.

Urukag's mission is done

On completion of both:

Outrider Urukag says: You have *cough* restored this dying orc's honor, champion. Farewell. And farewell, Snowpaw, my old friend.


Patch changes

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