A Perfect Puff of Perfume

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Love is in the Air
The subject of this article or section is part of Love is in the Air, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.
NeutralA Perfect Puff of Perfume
Start Public Relations Agent
End Public Relations Agent
Level 1-70
Type Daily
Category Love is in the Air
Rewards 5x  [Love Token]


Spray 10 people with the  [Crown Perfume Sprayer].


You look like a real go-getter, <race>. How about we work out a little win-win scenario?

Crown's looking to offer samples of our latest holiday-themed products to as many potential customers as possible. Help us share the love, and we'll give you discounts on some great Crown merchandise!

Your time, our money, friend. We do you say?


You will receive: 21s
Inv valentinescard01.png 5x [Love Token]


That perfume's not going to spray itself, you know.

Get going!


Great work, <name>! People will come running to buy Crown perfumes now that they've had a chance to sample their wonders.

Here's a little something for helping us out.


Debuffed players/NPCs with a heart over their head are ineligible. However, there are plenty of players and NPCs to choose from.

Patch changes

External links