A Night in the Woods

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NeutralA Night in the Woods
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type World Quest
Category Ardenweald
Experience 9,450
Reputation +125 The Wild Hunt


  • Assist the patrol


Lord Herne says: Maw Walker, a few of my hunters are on patrol in Mistveil Tangle. It might do well for their morale if you were to accompany them.


You will receive:


Lord Herne says: Well fought! No matter where they lurk or how fast they run, no prey can elude the Wild Hunt!


Find Zarkin and assist in killing the mobs. They will be at one of several stops -- it does not matter which they are at when joining up with them.


Zarkin says: Be on your guard, Lumera. This is a dangerous patrol for a novice huntress.
Lumera says: I am up to the task, sir. No challenge is too daunting.
Zarkin says: We shall see about that. Leithfor, you take point.
Janda says: Pay Zarkin no mind, Lumera. He values deeds over words.
Leithfor nods silently.
Fluffpuff says: That's right. So you just need to unleash some mayhem on our foes!

First stop:

Fluffpuff says: Spriggans! Perfect for target practice! Too bad there are so few of them...
Krrprripripkraak says: The forest obliges.
Leithfor says: Look out!

Defeat the wave:

Janda says: Spriggans do not usually attack with such coordination. Someone must be guiding them.
Zarkin says: Indeed. The question is who that might be.

Second stop:

Lumera says: Look, refugees! They need our help!
Zarkin says: Lumera, no! Stay back!
Illusionary Mauler says: Please, save us! They're almost here!
Illusionary Mauler says: Please, save us! They're almost here!
Illusionary Mauler says: Please, save us! They're almost here!
Mistveil Deceiver says: Please, save us! They're almost here!

Defeat the boggarts:

Lumera says: An illusion... and I fell for it.
Janda says: There are no refugees to be found in Tirna Scithe. We all learned that the hard way.
Leithfor nods solemnly.

Third stop, near Shigizer:

Krrprripripkraak says: Tears of rain for Tirna Scithe. So little anima, so many gorm.
Fluffpuff says: And here come more of them now!

Defeat the gorm:

Zarkin says: If this drought doesn't end soon, all of Ardenweald will share Tirna Scithe's fate.
Lumera says: We won't let that happen. The Wild Hunt will protect the forest through feast and famine.
Zarkin says: Spoken like a true huntress.

Fourth stop:

Zarkin says: The Drust! Wild Hunt, to arms!
Fluffpuff says: They'll be sorry they ever set foot in Ardenweald!

Defeat them:

Lumera says: I once thought the Drust were a myth... mere stories told to frighten young fae.
Janda says: The stories are real. Though long has it been since the Wild Hunt met them in open battle.
Zarkin says: And now we encounter them in every corner of the forest. These are grim times.

Last stop:

Janda says: Wait. Do you hear that?
Lumera says: No, nothing at all...
Janda says: That's what I'm worried about.
Leithfor says: Devourer!

Defeat it:

Janda says: That was a worthy hunt. Your skills are improving, Lumera.
Lumera says: I learned much on this patrol. It was an honor to hunt beside you all.
Krrprripripkraak says: Roots grow stronger together.
Fluffpuff says: And there's no one stronger than the Wild Hunt!
Leithfor says: Indeed.
Zarkin says: Rest up, everyone. For soon the hunt will begin anew.

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